Harp Therapy and Music for Special Events
Harp Therapy is a healing art based on the science of sound, using live music and the unique resonance of the harp as a tool to promote health and healing on all levels – physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological. The Harp Therapy Program
impacts all ages and groups, but particularly the elderly, the shut-ins of our community, and adults and children with disabilities in supporting and improving their well-being, in essence their quality of life. It is available to all, regardless of their ability
to pay.
Barbara Crowe, past president of the National Association for Music Therapists said:
“Music therapy can make the difference between withdrawal and awareness, between isolation and interaction, between chronic pain and comfort, between demoralization and dignity.”
Marilyn also enjoys playing harp for weddings, end of life celebrations and other special occasions. The harp is a gentle, non-invasive instrument which enhances the ambiance of any occasion. Click here to learn more.